Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Baby, J ~

So if you aren't already a parent, I just have to say you are missing out. My baby is absolutely amazing. I love everything about him. I could stare at him forever.

Sometimes when he laughs he snorts. I love chasing him and it making him laugh hysterically. He loves to read books before bed and play in the bathtub. He will eat anything and everything all day long. He's super good at making a mess, especially if I've just cleaned up... I'm trying to learn how to be okay with his room being a disaster. Its hard for me; I do admit that I try and clean up every ten minutes sometimes, but I'm working on it...

He loves his dad the most at this moment, but I'm positive that someday he'll love me the most ;) or at least equally.... haha!! I guess his dad is pretty cool so I'm okay with him wanting him the most for now :) 
Aww M, he's crying, he wants you...
M! He's got a dirty diaper, he wants you.
I'm eating dinner can you just take J, he wants you :)
HAHAHA! I'm using this to my advantage.

So the mornings are pretty crazy for us. M goes to work really early, he leaves the house around 6:30 so then I set my alarm to 7:10 and I usually snooze until 7:20 :) I have to snooze at least once, I can't help it.
Then I sing J a song until he wakes up (he wakes up smiling with his eyes closed... I think its because he loves me so much, he's so happy to wake up to my voice, don't worry I'll keep telling myself that). Then I turn on the TV to Nick, J's favorite would be Bubble Guppies, but he also enjoys Team Umizoomi and Blues Clues. He only likes the songs and will bounce up and down to the music and then go off to do his own thing when the song is over. So then I just give him breakfast to eat on his own... (this morning he had blueberry waffles) haha don't judge me it's clean in the room and bathroom :) Then we run around like banshees getting dressed and packing lunch. J helps pack lunch by throwing each item into the bag! It's his favorite part!!

I hope I never forget all the little things about him that make me smile. I hope I never forget how it sounds when he says mama or laughs. When he smiles with all four of his teeth clenched together to make a "cheese" face. And especially, his kissy face.

Well I just wanted to share a few of my favorite things about my baby. He's crashed out at the moment. Oh, and obviously he literally does crash all the time. He was running down the hill at our house the night before last and fell on his face and scratched it and his arm :( my poor baby!!! I hate him getting hurt more than anything!!

I better go make dinner!! Chicken tacos!!


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