Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My not so interesting life.

So, today I wake up and decide, hmm maybe I should sleep just a teensy bit more. 
Bad mistake nĂºmero uno... every time. 
Little did I know that I wouldn't be able to find my car keys when I try to leave for work. 

So on my way today, I have a confession to make, I am one of those girls who attempts to put on makeup while driving. Please don't cuss me out. I am an insanely cautious and fantastic driver. Never been in a wreck before... 
Well not counting the time my hood flew up and shattered my windshield. But that wasn't the cause of irresponsible driving so that actually doesn't count. 
Any who, I forget my make up and I'm at work looking like a homeless woman. 
So here I am and I decided I will give you a nice inside scoop into my life. 
Trust me this won't take long and will be a hoot and a half!

I love TV shows!!

I don't have an active cable company providing me with my shows so I rely solely on the interwebz!
So, even though one of my shows comes on a certain day I have to avoid all Internet, I need to steer clear of anything that will spoil it, until I can watch it the next day. Or if I just can't wait I have to resort to drastic measures! ;)

That's me on that laptop screen that you can't see skyping with C to watch the finale of Grey's Anatomy.
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! ;P

So, Wednesdays I make sure to watch Tuesdays showing of...

New Girl is my favorite TV show this year!! It is HILARIOUS! and I love Zooey! 
I swear if I ever have a girl I'm naming her Zooey. 

and of course I can't miss...

Makes me cry like a little girl but, boy oh boy I love this show!

Fridays are designated days to watch Thursdays showing of..

I can't live without my Grey's Anatomy. 
I have been a strict loyal fan since their very episode.
Although, the season finale made me insanely sad and mad.
Poor Lexi! :'(

I'm not a total TV hog, I let Z watch at least one of his shows! ;)

I then have my beautiful Sundays and Mondays off from work that I cherish dearly by avoiding the cleaning that needs to be done and sleeping all day! ;)

And to wrap up on Mondays I watch Sundays showing of..

This is again one of my FAVORITE shows this year!! :)

I am also a whole season behind another one of my Favorites because I love to buy the whole season and watch it with Z and that is..


If you don't watch any of these shows, then I demand that you do. Your life will thank you. 
"But blah blah blah you need to go be adventurous outside and socialize" you say. 
Well, this is what makes my week that much more enjoyable, so I think I will continue to watch them until they are no longer there for my viewing eyes. Which, of course, I hope is never!


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